Delivering High Performance Using Very High Efficiency DOAS Systems
REGISTER HERE >With increasing environmental impacts like extreme weather events and wildfires, there is a necessity for resilient, flexible, and extremely efficient HVAC systems. Unfortunately, conventional HVAC systems are costly to operate and contribute to over 50% of total energy usage in commercial buildings. Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) are a proven solution for reducing energy consumption. A very high efficiency (VHE) approach to DOAS maximizes energy efficiency by decoupling ventilation air from comfort conditioning, including air-to-air heat recovery, right-sizing of a high efficiency heating and cooling system, and minimizing fan power. This allows for many benefits, including:
- Demonstrated reduction of building HVAC energy use by an average of 69% over conventional systems
- Excellent indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort
- Proven flexibility and resiliency to adapt to changing occupant densities, increased IAQ requirements, and extreme weather events
- Significant carbon emission reduction with minimal peak electric demand increases in sites that convert from gas to electric heat Register
Day & Time
- Day & Time: March 28, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
- Lighting Design Lab
- Webinar