
Luminaire Level Lighting Controls Toolkit


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This resource page is for NEEA members and program partners to assist with promoting the benefits of Luminaire Level Lighting Controls, or LLLC. Marketing and educational resources include:

  • Customizable marketing materials
  • Technical guides with education about networked lighting controls
  • Case studies highlighting LLLC success stories from the Northwest (video and written)
  • Q&As with lighting influencers (video and written)
  • The Benefits of Luminaire Level Lighting Controls video series, including an 8-minute overview and four 2-minute, topic-specific demonstrations
  • A Lighting Solutions playlist on the BetterBricks YouTube channel, including LLLC expert interviews, educational videos, and case studies (view here)

Customizable Marketing Collateral

  • Luminaire Level Lighting Controls for Decision-Makers
    High-level features and benefits of LLLC systems and why they are the next generation of efficient lighting, meant for building owners or facility managers
  • Luminaire Level Lighting Controls FAQ
    Detailed description of what LLLC is and why it is the future of commercial lighting solutions. Contains examples of LLLC systems and details about when LLLC systems are the right fit
  • Luminaire Level Lighting Controls Infographic
    Visual representation of LLLC systems that detail various benefits and applications
  • Luminaire Level Lighting Controls for Schools
    Describes the benefits of LLLC systems in schools

Please contact Katherine Gifford if you'd like assistance in customizing these materials.

Technical Guide Series

  • Guide: Control Tech Terms
    This guide outlines key terms and concepts needed for communicating effectively with all project stakeholders.
  • Guide: Primary Control Strategies
    This guide outlines the most important control strategies which should be considered for all lighting projects.
  • Guide: Sequence of Operations
    This guide outlines three different methods of documenting the sequence of operations (SOO) and describes the pros and cons of each approach.
  • Guide: Wall Station Interfaces
    This guide outlines key considerations every lighting professional should review when selecting and programming wall station interfaces.
  • Guide: Communicating the Value Proposition
    This guide helps simplify and clarify the value proposition by outlining distinct stakeholder groups and detailing what matters to each of them.
  • Guide: Emerging Tech Trends
    This guide provides a high-level overview of emerging technology trends to be aware of in order to meet new demands from clients.
  • Guide: Lighting Controls in K–12 Schools
    This guide outlines key concepts and design considerations best addressed with LLLC.
  • Guide: Lighting Controls in Healthcare Facilities
    This guide outlines key concepts and design considerations for healthcare projects with LLLC.
  • Guide: Lighting Controls in Warehouses
    This guide highlights key concepts and warehouse lighting design considerations best addressed with LLLC.

LLLC Industry Voices: Case Studies

  • Case Study: Fluke Corporation
    This case study demonstrates how Fluke Corporation upgraded its manufacturing headquarters to an LLLC system, securing a utility incentive and significantly reducing energy consumption, while earning recognition from the U.S. Department of Energy for its dedication to sustainability.
  • Case Study: The Vancouver Innovation Center (VIC)
    This case study explores how a former high-tech campus in Vancouver, Washington, was transformed into the Vancouver Innovation Center, with an upgraded lighting system to enhance energy efficiency, tenant flexibility, and sustainability.
  • Case Study: Vision Profile Extrusions
    This case study shows how PNW Energy Group determined LLLC would be the perfect solution for a Vision Profile Extrusions darkened manufacturing plant. With brighter lights, automated controls, a generous incentive that covered 86% of the capital cost, and deep energy savings, LLLC exceeded everyone's expectations.
  • Case Study: Novanta
    This case study shares how—after learning about their unparalleled flexibility, control, and energy savings—laser manufacturing facility Novanta updated their facility to LLLC. In addition to being recognized as a leader for energy efficiency, Novanta anticipates the project will result in a significant 224,996 in annual kWh savings.
  • Case Study: Associated General Contractors of Washington (AGCW)
    This case study showcases the importance of relationships and how they aren’t just important between operating systems in commercial buildings. Strong connections between the people writing the lighting specifications, consultants doing the implementation, facility managers performing the maintenance, and local utility managers are essential. It’s why Seattle City Light stepped up to help the Associated General Contractors of Washington’s (AGCW) facilities manager and electrical contractor with their LLLC project.
  • Case Study: Enumclaw High School
    This case study shares how Enumclaw School District found that LLLC's ease of installation and energy savings made it the smart choice for their varied lighting needs. They worked with their utility, Puget Sound Energy, to secure incentives for installing an LLLC system in Enumclaw High School.

LLLC Industry Voices: Q&A's

BetterBricks Industry Voices: Chris Gilmore

A Q&A with Chris Gilmore, Project Manager at VECA Electric & Technologies.

BetterBricks Industry Voices: Ryan Heron

A Q&A with Ryan Heron, lighting consultant and co-founder of PNW Energy Group.

BetterBricks Industry Voices: Neil Schilling

A Q&A with Neil Schilling, the Division Manager for Energy Solutions at North Coast Electric.

BetterBricks Industry Voices: Aprille Balangue

A Q&A with Aprille Balangue, Engineer and Principal, TFWB Engineers.

BetterBricks Industry Voices: Jim Benya
A Q&A with James R. Benya, PE, FIES, FIALD, Principal Illuminating Engineer and Lighting Designer at Benya Burnett Consultancy.

LLLC Educational Videos

1:1 Replacement Explainer Video

An animated video that explains NEEA's recent research study comparing an LLLC retrofit to a full networked lighting controls redesign. The study, conducted with University of Oregon's Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory, found that an LLLC retrofit was comparable in both energy savings and quality of light, for roughly 1/3 the cost of a lighting redesign.

Expert Interviews

A series of interviews about the future of the industry and the benefits of LLLC systems with regional lighting experts, including PDFs and a video (available for customization).

The Benefits of Luminaire Level Lighting Controls

An educational video about the value proposition LLLC offers. View the full 8-minute video or a specific 2-minute topic.

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