
Video: Net-Zero Preschool Makes Healthy, Mindful HVAC Decisions

Case Study

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Preschool Matches Efficient Building Practices with Net-Zero Ambitions

In operation for more than 40 years, New Day School is a longstanding Portland, Oregon, preschool with a deep commitment to environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. When New Day School’s Kishalay building required a renovation, the preschool’s leadership team quickly committed to adopting advanced practices and products to ensure the renovations would result in a net-zero energy building.

In addition to applying passive building principles that optimize heat gains and losses throughout the building, the building operators added a 45.5 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system that provides enough annual energy for two buildings at the preschool.

With these decisions in place, the preschool needed a highly efficient HVAC system to reduce HVAC energy use while improving the indoor air quality and maintaining a high level of comfort for students, teachers and staff. Following guidance from their contractor, Green Hammer, the preschool found the ideal HVAC solution with a very high efficiency dedicated outside air system (very high efficiency DOAS).

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