
Proven Milestones to Kick-Start Your SEM Journey

Strategic Energy Management (SEM) is a holistic system of interconnected practices, policies and processes that helps commercial and industrial facilities achieve deep and persistent energy and cost savings. Successful SEM implementation incorporates SEM principles into the daily operations of a building, including by engaging and educating staff members at every level.

When organizations integrate SEM into their business practices in the same way they integrate quality assurance, safety, and productivity protocols, they significantly reduce the building’s energy consumption while unlocking a series of deep-seated benefits, including:
  • Increased productivity
  • Enhanced operational efficiency
  • Improved profitability
  • Sharpened competitiveness

Your First Steps to Long-Term Value

No matter your industry, your organization can take a series of proven steps to enhance the efficiency and operational excellence of your commercial or industrial facility. In this guide to help you kick-start your SEM journey, you’ll learn specific activities and milestones to reach during your first years of SEM implementation, including:

  • Building your energy management team
  • Clarifying and deepening organizational commitment
  • Planning and implementing energy improvements
  • Tracking and reporting energy performance
Download the full guide at: https://betterbricks.com/uploads/resources/SEMHub_SEM101-JourneyGuide.pdf

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